Ad Management

Make More, Keep More

Sovrn Publisher Advocate // February 17, 2022

Get the most out of your ad revenue

Managing advertising operations (“ad ops”) is a difficult, time-consuming, and often complex job. Most small- and medium-sized publishers are stretched to the limit with content creation, site operations, and revenue generation — leaving little time to deal with the complexities of ad performance and constantly evolving ad technology. 

As you scale up your business, a choice emerges: hire a dedicated ad ops team or outsource some or all of your ad operations. And while either option can help to reduce the burden of ad ops, both come with considerations:

  • In-house: Difficult to find candidates with the specialized expertise to manage a complex ad program. In-house teams may also lack the engineering resources to keep technology up to date.
  • Outsourced: Selecting a trusted vendor from a crowded marketplace is key to ensure you are driving consistent performance rather than squandering precious time babysitting your ad program.

Whichever path you choose, the cost can be significant. Paying full-time salaries for ad ops staff is expensive, while most ad ops vendors operate on a revenue share model, which can cut into profits.

Sovrn has a better way

When you work with Sovrn Ad Management for your ad operations, you bring onboard a highly skilled, dedicated team of programmatic advertising specialists. As your trusted partner, we take the time to understand your business and align our efforts to help you reach your goals.

Our unique approach allows you to earn more ad revenue and keep more of what you earn. Here’s how:

Earn more

Sovrn is integrated with all of the top supply-side platforms (SSPs) and exchanges, including Google Ad Manager, Amazon TAM, PubMatic, Magnite, and targeted partners such as PulsePoint and Beachfront. And because we operate at scale, we’re able to negotiate better “take rates” with these exchanges than the typical publisher could get on their own — allowing you to earn more revenue from the start.

In addition, Sovrn uses a unique, proprietary wrapper that helps to drive higher ad yield for publishers. The fundamental advantage lies in our unified page-level auction, as opposed to Prebid, which runs individual auctions for each ad property on the page. This proprietary technology is designed to improve yield by utilizing bid responses more efficiently, thus requiring fewer bid requests.

Let’s look at an example:

  • PreBid runs a separate auction for each ad slot on the page — but only the highest bid in each auction wins. If the highest bid in any individual auction is lower than a losing bid in any other auction for the same ad size, the publisher misses out on revenue.
  • The Sovrn wrapper runs a single unified auction. The three highest bids on the page win, resulting in a higher page RPM (the sum of all ad impression CPMs on the page) — $15 vs $12. Because Sovrn can utilize bids more efficiently, we can send out fewer bid requests, reducing latency on the publisher’s page and improving load times.

Spend less

Most managed services providers operate on a revenue sharing model — so when you make more money, they make more money. That may sound good in theory, but it means the vendor will always take 15-20% off the top of your ad revenue. With our fee-based pricing, your cost for outsourced ad ops is based on CPM — not earnings — allowing you to keep more revenue. For most publishers, this works out to 10-15% less cost versus the competition each month.

However you choose to leverage our services, setup is easy and even though we ideally aim for deep and lasting partnership with all of our customers, you’re never locked into a long-term contract. 

With Sovrn Ad Management, you can stop worrying about ad ops and get back to what you do best: creating great content and growing your audience. Schedule a personalized Demo to see it in action.

Google Certified

We’re proud to be a Certified Publishing Partner. This badge shows that we meet rigorous qualification standards, we’re highly trained and we’ve received high rankings in client satisfaction.

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