and Diverse Data.

Extend Your Reach

Data sourced from Sovrn’s unique collection of 500 million active consumers across more than 30 billion daily page views.

Leverage Sovrn Data for data enrichment, targeting, identity mapping, and more.

Privacy Compliant
Sovrn’s Data is collected in a secure and effective manner. That means safe, consented data assets.

Tap into the world’s largest source of privacy compliant, open-web behavior data in the world.

Data Solutions

Create a powerful new recurring revenue stream. 
It’s simple and secure, and there’s no maintenance 
or upkeep.

Sovrn Data Collective

Data Enrichment
Email Marketing
B2B Targeting

Attribution & Measurement
Persona Development
Consumer/Market Research

Identity Mapping
Expand Footprint
Omni-Channel ID
Deal Optimization

Behavioral Data

Broad, customizable, consumer data for targeting, segmentation, market research, and more.

Web Behavioral Data

US 200B Page views/month
LATAM 21B Page views/month
APAC 50B Page views/month
Canada 20B Page views/month

Data Spec

EU GDPR Consented Data

60B Page views/month

Data Spec

Custom Data Sets
Contact us and discover how to utilize our unique attributes from niche sites on the open web.

Identity Solutions

Broaden your identity graphs with unique ID insights.

Email to Cookie

256MM linkages/month

Data Spec

Email to MAID

500MM Monthly Active Users

Data Spec

Hashed Email Event

5B Events Monthly

Data Spec

ID Mapping

Match across 40+ partners

Data Spec


(Bandwidth/Cookie Sync)
Sync your cookie ID across the Sovrn network. Grow your footprint and match rate across your platform.

Data Spec


Global Weblog data categorized into a taxonomy of segments and activated via various platforms.


Sovrn Data categorized into your specific taxonomy.

Data Spec


Proprietary, ready-to-use contextual categories. Organized by industry vertical.

Data Spec

Sovrn Network  

Activate our audiences with custom media dimensions via Deal ID in your DSP seat.


Custom keyword audiences available.