Press Release

MarTech Series interviews, Andy Evans, CMO, Sovrn

sovrnmarketing // January 31, 2018

Tell us about your role and how you got here. What inspired you to be part of a digital adtech company?

“I was weaned on marketing as a child by my father who was a marketing manager and was given my first computer in 1981 for Christmas, which my mother tells me was the first toy I ever had that I didn’t take apart. Having worked my way through B2B & consumer publishing and agency media planning, buying and account management, I started my first business Net Communities in 1999, a technology publisher and the UK’s first vertical ad-network. I ran Net Communities for 15 years before selling it to Future Publishing in 2015.

Adtech is a natural place for me, as it fuses together my passion for media, digital and technology, so I feel tremendously lucky to work in an industry that I find exceptionally exciting.  In 2011, I  decided that viewability was a serious issue before the word had even been coined, so in 2013, I co-founded Signal, which uniquely and pro-actively solves viewability issues for many of the best-known publishers in the UK.  I  sold Signal to Sovrn in April 2016 and that’s how I arrived in an adtech company.”

– Andy Evans, CMO, Sovrn

Read the full interview on MarTech Series here.

Source: MarTech Series

Words: 1488

Reading Time: under 7 minutes


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