Most web browsers will allow you to turn off cookies. To do this, look at the “help” menu on your browser. However, switching off cookies may restrict your use of the website and/or affect the way in which it performs. We should add that opting out of advertising cookies will not mean you won’t see ads, just that they won’t be tailored to you. The cookies installed on are as follows:
Sovrn Website Cookies
Cookie Name | Description | Purpose | Duration | Privacy Policy |
_ss | SharpSpring Session | This cookies is a session cookie. It is used to handle the SharpSpring session and allow multiple site visits to be grouped in the same event in the life of the lead. | 30 Hours | SharpSpring Privacy Policy |
_ss_referrer | SharpSpring Referrer | This cookie captures the user’s referral location for use in SharpSpring. | 6 Hours | SharpSpring Privacy Policy |
_ss_tk | SharpSpring User | This cookie is the unique tracking device. It allows browser visits to be tied to the lead with the same cookie regardless of session and referrer. | 25 Years | SharpSpring Privacy Policy |
_ga | Google Analytics User | This cookie is used by Google Analytics, a marketing tool and service provider, to identify a user for purposes of reporting and analytics on visits to Sovrn sites. | 2 Years | Google Privacy Policy |
_gat | Google Analytics User Settings | This cookie is used by Google Analytics, a marketing tool and service provider, to control the frequency of requests to the Google Analytics service. | 1 Minute | Google Privacy Policy |
_gid | Google Analytics User | This cookie is used by Google Analytics, a marketng tool and service provider, to identify a user for purposed of reporting and analytics on visits to Sovrn sites. | 24 Hours | Google Privacy Policy |
aqcamplast | HTTP Cookie | This cookie is used by Sovrn to customize the application behavior to user preferences. | Until browser is closed | Sovrn Privacy Policy |
aqcamp | HTTP Cookie | This cookie is used by Sovrn to customize the application behavior to user preferences. | 90 Days | Sovrn Privacy Policy |
Lijit Advertising Platform Cookies
Cookie Name | Description | Purpose | Duration |
3pids | Deal Partner IDs | Enables us to keep track of the partners who have synced their ID to our Lijit ID. It allows us to store the ids that these partners use to identify you and pass it to data partners as part of our advertising services. | 1 year |
ctag | Container Partner IDs | Enables us to keep track of the partners with whom we have synced our Lijit ID to their ID. It allows us to store the IDs that these partners use to identify you and pass it to data partners as part of our advertising services. | 1 month |
ljt_reader | Lijit Reader | Enables us to recognize your browser or device when you return to our site or one of our partner’s sites. | 1 year |
tpro | Reader Profile | Used to keep track of reader demographic data, including age, race, gender, income, education, and parental status. This information is used to target particular partner campaigns to readers matching particular criteria. | 1 year |
ljtrtb | RTB Partner | Enables us to help our advertising partners make decisions about displaying an advertisement to you. We store the ID that each partner uses to identify you and pass that information to the partner when a website requests an advertisement from us. | 1 year |
_ljtrtb_[Partner ID] | Temporary RTB Partner | These cookies are used temporarily when multiple partners pass us their ID simultaneously. To avoid technical conflicts that arise from accessing the ljtrtb cookie for multiple partners at the same time, we store each partner’s ID in a separate cookie and then consolidate these IDs into the ljtrtb cookie when it’s available. | 1 year |
ljrtbexp | 3rd Party Refresh | Indicates that the indivudal 3rd party DSP cookie IDs need to refreshed. | 1 year |
ljtrtb_refresh | RTB Partner Refresh | Indicates that the ljtrtb data needs to be refreshed. The ljtrtb cookie is to be removed so that the store will be recreated. | 4 days |
tpro_inst | Reader Profile | Used to facilitate unique reader visits and page views. | 1 year |
tracking_outout | Tracking Opt Out | Indicates that we are not to set any additional cookies on this browser. | 25 years |
Meridian Platform Cookies
Cookie | Name | Purpose |
last_seen | Meridian Last Seen | This cookie improves your experience on the platform by customizing the features presented to you based on the last time you logged in. |
Surveyed | Meridian Surveyed | This cookie improves your experience on the platform by preventing the platform from asking you to take actions which you have already taken, such as completing a survey. |
hsfirstvisit | Hubspot Analytics First Visit | This cookie is used by HubSpot, a marketing tool and service provider, to keep track of the source of a user’s first visit. |
hubspotuk | Hubspot User Analytics | This cookie is used by HubSpot, a marketing tool and service provider, to keep track of a visitor to Sovrn sites. This cookie is passed to HubSpot on form submission and used when deduplicating contacts. |
optimizelyBuckets | Optimizely Buckets | This cookie is used by Optimizely, a site optimization tool, to keep track of which page experience was presented to each user. |
optimizelyEndUserId | Optimizely User | This cookie is used by Optimizely, a site optimization tool, to keep track of each user. It allows the service to provide reporting on a the basis of numbers of users. |
optimizelyPendingLogEvents | Optimizely Log | This cookie is used by Optimizely, a site optimization tool, to keep track of user events to allow the service to make recommendations on which pages have which events. |
optimizelySegments | Optimizely Segments | This cookie is used by Optimizely, a site optimization tool, to keep track of a user’s audience and dimension information including the browser, campaign, mobile, and source type. |
_ga | Google Analytics User | This cookie is used by Google Analytics, a marketing tool and service provider, to identify a user for purposes of reporting and analytics on visits to Sovrn sites. |
_gat | Google Analytics User Settings | This cookie is used by Google Analytics, a marketing tool and service provider, to control the frequency of requests to the Google Analytics service. |
_utma | Google Analytics User Visits | This cookie is used by Google Analytics, a marketing tool and service provider, to calculate new and returning visitor statistics. |
_utmb | Google Analytics Session | This cookie is used by Google Analytics, a marketing tool and service provider, to keep track of unique sessions on the site. |
_utmc | Google Analytics Return Sessions | This cookie is used by Google Analytics, a marketing tool and service provider, to keep track of unique sessions on the site. |
_utmt | Google Analytics Session Settings | This cookie is used by Google Analytics, a marketing tool and service provider, to set the frequency of request to the service. |
_utmz | Google Analytics Source | This cookie is used by Google Analytics, a marketing tool and service provider, to keep track of the source of traffic to the site. |