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Do It for the Interns

sovrnmarketing // August 1, 2014

interns at sovrn

It’s the end of the July, and for us college interns that means we’re moving out of our rickety apartments during a torrential downpour into other rickety apartments a mile down the road. Despite the stress of moving, we made it through another week. It’s finally Friday. Sit back, relax, and enjoy this week’s Friday Blog. Do it for us.
1) Looking to take your personal fitness to the next level? Well check out Tabata Times. It’s THE place to get all the info that you need to be on your way towards looking like AHNALD Schwarzenegger back when he didn’t look like a wrinkled leather bag.
2) Nowadays people understand that you have to take care of your body. You work out, eat right, and you’ll feel good. BUT people often forget to work out the most important part of your body. The brain. Check out LiveScience and get your brain the much needed stimulus it needs with some interesting sciency stuff.
3) I’d wager two month’s rent that there is not a funnier group of people running a company than the guys and gals over at RoosterTeeth. Check out their show Red vs. Blue (filmed within the supremely popular HALO video game franchise), which is the longest running web series OF ALL TIME. There’s a reason it’s been so successful. It’s because it’s f#@$!&g hilarious!
4) If you’re likely to be found head-banging in a moshpit at an Alice in Chains concert you just might be a metal head. Check out Blabbermouth and stay up to date on everything metal!
5) Stand-up comedy is a vastly under-appreciated form of entertainment. I mean, some of these guys, like Dave Chappelle or Bill Burr, make me piss myself with laughter. Check out some of their bits over at the LaughFactory. But get a diaper first.
6) Your body is a temple, you should treat it like one. Put down the cheeseburger once in a while and check out LiveintheNow for healthy and alternative lifestyle tips.
-THE Interns, Noah and Stephen

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