Starting on October 1, 2023 you will need to log in to your Sovrn Ad Management portal to accept the latest Sovrn Ad Management Terms and Conditions.

Why are we providing new Terms and Conditions?

  • • To update old contracts with new data privacy and compliance requirements, including an updated Data Processing Agreement to allow for data transfers between the EU, UK, and the US.
  • • To simplify how you view, download, and accept our legal terms and policies.
  • • To update our standard payment terms to Net 55, effective December 1, 2023.

Payment terms are changing to better align to when Sovrn receives payments from our demand partners for your earnings.

We are committed to being your trusted partner, providing your earnings quickly and predictably. To that end, we want to make sure you are aware of our InstantPay service in which you can receive your payment sooner than Net 55, for a small fee.  

Questions? Reach out to