While we really do love helping you increase your revenue with Sovrn’s different website monetization solutions, we also want to help you better understand your audience. Publishers want (and need) to have validation of their site metrics from an independent third party like Sovrn. Our publishers often ask us why Sovrn analytics reports do not more closely match their Google Analytics reports. Usually, it’s an issue with improper widget installation.
For the Sovrn analytics beacon to accurately measure site traffic, the beacon needs to be installed in the header or footer of every page on the website.
Here are some things to keep in mind when installing the Sovrn audience analytics widget on your site:
1. Why publishers should install Sovrn analytics in the header and footer:
- To get an accurate count of traffic, the Sovrn analytics beacon needs to be installed in the header or footer of every page on the website. This will give the beacon a full-page view unconstrained by iframes or other impediments to measurement.
- Publisher platform comparatives with first- and third-party data providers will represent a more complete view of the audience, rather than a sample of all the readers.
2. How to properly install the Sovrn analytics widget and reap the rewards:
- The installation of the analytics widget is pretty simple —
- Copy the analytics widget code provided in the publisher tools area of the Lijit User Interface.
- Paste the code into the HTML source of the website where you want the widget to display.
- For WordPress and Typepad sites, we have an efficient guided-installation process.
3. Why it’s important to have validation of unique users and page views from an independent third party:
- Providing independent measurements adds redundancy, which could come in handy should the other analytics tool go down. It will provide a point of comparison to Google’s sample-based methodology. Finally, potential advertisers may need additional data points supporting the audience metrics that you are reporting. The Sovrn analytics widget shows you what your site looks like to potential advertisers at the moment an ad is served.
4. If the beacon is not installed properly, we may only have a partial view of your audience. This may cause counts to vary significantly from your other analytics tools.
To access the audience analytics widget, simply go to your Sovrn dashboard. Not a Sovrn publisher? No worries. Sign up today and we can get you started.
– Keith Fagan, SVP & General Manager of Data Solutions at Sovrn