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Increasing Audience Engagement: Publisher Roundtable

sovrnmarketing // November 23, 2015

Professional Publishers Share Their Secrets:  How To Increase Your Audience Engagement

Earlier this year, we partnered with TapInfluence and Netpop to organize the third annual Publisher Roundtable Report. We surveyed a wide array of content creators from niche bloggers just getting started to mid-size professional publishers looking for strategic ways to take their audience engagement to the next level.

In this Publisher Roundtable Report, hundreds of professional publishers shared their secrets on how they increase audience engagement with their readership. If you’re looking for insider tips from your colleagues and peers on how you can set your audience engagement on the right track, this report is probably a good place to start.

publisher roundtable report - sovrn audience engagement

We asked publishers tactical questions to get you in-the-trenches action items you could take away and apply to your own blog. For this question, the majority of participants said they have found that images and graphic elements help boost their audience engagement. What do you find helpful when you create content? Is there anything we’re missing? Leave us a comment!

One of our favorite questions we asked survey participants was “What are your future predictions for online content?” 74% of publishers said that more content will be sponsored or influenced by brands and companies. They’ve even started tweaking their content strategies to optimize for this shift in focus.

publisher predictions on audience engagement sovrn

In case you were curious about who exactly took the survey, here’s a snapshot of the blogger profile:

blogger profile infographic for audience engagement sovrn

Interested in downloading the report? Go ahead and download it right now.

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